5 issues that are rampant in the construction industry

(Unsplash/Breno Assis)

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People are facing major challenges in the construction industry which is easily one of the fastest growing industries around the world today due to a growing population that is on the lookout for newer and better homes.

The industry is anticipated to continue to rise in the coming years with the growth rate expected to hit double digits in some countries. Things are great not just in America but other parts of the world as well including Dubai and many Asian countries that appear to be receiving some FDI as well in the form of investments in this field due to huge potential returns.

According to statistics, the US construction industry added 4.3% to the GDP which shows just how powerful it is.

If you're having thoughts about getting into the construction industry then you must be aware of five issues that are common in the industry.

Shortage of Labor

The construction industry is growing rapidly so are the problems. One of major issues that contractors have to deal with includes finding professional and well skilled workers.

Finding a skilled worker and providing jobs to deserving people is a big deal these days. A lack of professional and well-trained workers can have a negative outcome. This results in poorly constructed houses and buildings that are often unsafe as well.

This problem can be solved by offering more benefits to employees.

Slow Payments

Slow payments have been damaging the construction industries for the past few years. It has become a major concern for everyone associated with the industry since on late payment can cause several late payments.

This issue is usually faced by the small businesses but major companies can also be a victim. Delayed payment can cause cash flow issues and result in delays in payments of bills and other expenses, most importantly salaries.

Companies need to make payment schedules in order to regulate cash flow. This can help avoid problems and plan better. Many companies also turn to loans and other such options but they may not always be very reliable.

Cost Changes

Construction involves using different raw materials and machinery, the cost of which is not controlled by the contractor. Even a small change in cost can cause havoc for a company.

Cost changes should be addressed by the construction companies from the very beginning. Budgets and pay schedules should be set from the start so that no issues are faced later on.

Companies also have the option to ask for extra pay from clients if the contract allows so.


Subcontractors change orders to re-work on designs which can cause delays.

Delays also occurs when the cost rises for raw material that often require constructors to come u with a better plan and budget accordingly.

These delays can turn out to be very costly. Plus, delays can impact a company's image and result in a chain reaction as well where one delayed project can cause other projects to get delayed, too.

To overcome this issue teamwork, project planning and effective management solutions are required.


Wide range of activities are involved during construction which can be dangerous and risky for workers who have to handle a variety of tasks from lifting bricks to installing clamp on flow meters.

Whatever the job, the risk factor in this industry is always high. Hence, construction workers should be properly trained and be provided safety gear as well. This small step can be of great aid in the long-run.

While these issues are common, you can rise above the ocassion with proper planning.