5 minutes with Jesus can help transform world—Women of Faith's Sheila Walsh

Sheila Walsh says Christians should not consider prayer as a last-ditch effort but as a primary weapon to protect and bring goodness to themselves and the world.(Facebook/Sheila Walsh)

Christians could help transform today's bleak landscape—filled with headlines about Islamic State atrocities, homosexuality, abortion, and end time signs among others—if they take just five minutes of their time daily to pray to Jesus, author and speaker Sheila Walsh says.

To counter the negative vibes that news stories like these bring, Walsh is asking Christians to devote at least five minutes of their day to talk to God to enable them to acquire the right weapon to face the challenges of the world.

The former 700 Club host and current speaker in the Women of Faith line-up said Christians should not consider prayer as a last-ditch effort and instead look at it as a primary weapon to protect and bring goodness to themselves, the people around them and the world at large.

Walsh said her call to prayer is especially directed to women who, she said, have the power to change the world just by praying.

"There is no force in the world greater than when women pray," Walsh said, according to Charisma News. "When God's girls get a picture of powerful prayer, they join together and things shift."

Many women babble incessantly about the negative things in life, she noted, but if they focus on the good things, such as God's forgiveness, then today's culture would be drastically "revolutionised."

"The real gift of forgiveness sets you free," said Walsh. "It's God's gift to us to live in a world that's not fair. Forgiveness is huge because the enemy has nothing in his arsenal to fight forgiveness. You choose to forgive to silence the enemy."

Even though five minutes of prayer each day seem very easy to achieve, many women still fail to do it since they prioritise their families, work, errands, and time for themselves more than they prioritise God, Walsh said.

But if women neglect prayer in their lives, they would be subjected to lies and deception, and the enemy will keep on creating more and more distractions just to keep them from connecting to God, she said.

"We're all incredibly busy and there are so many demands on our time," Walsh said. "We live in world that's really shifting as we see a rise of evil in unprecedented ways. Many feel it's not long before Christ returns again, and my passion is to help women to be strong until then, to stand in the midst of what's true."

In her book "5 Minutes with Jesus," Walsh explains how Christians can have the power to transform the world with their prayers. "These five minutes with Jesus just might become the most peaceful and meaningful moments of your day," she said.