5 Reasons To Never Give Up On Sharing The Gospel


Have you ever found a product or brand that so amazingly met your needs that you couldn't stop advocating it to your friends? Imagine if you found something that solved all your problems, not just temporal but even eternal as well, and it came for free. We have that— it's the gospel.

The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ came down to earth to live the life we should have lived and die the death we should all die so we can experience the promises that we were never qualified for. The gospel is something that people need to hear. Unless it is spread via word of mouth, many people will be deprived of its great benefit that is Christ.

Paul declared in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

There is power in the gospel that compels us to share it. Here are five reasons we should never give up on sharing the gospel.

1.There's Too Much To Hold Back

If you truly knew the love of God and experience it firsthand, there's just no way you can't share it with others. It just comes naturally. As we overflow in God's grace, we just cause it to flow into the lives of others either through our words or our actions.

2.People Are Looking For Hope

It's no secret how hope is one of our basic necessities as humans. As far as hope is concerned, nothing provides and promises more hope than the message of what Christ has already done.

3. It's The Best Offer Anyone Can Get

The gospel is the best deal anyone will ever get. It offers life to the fullest extent to those who have run out of options. This is because the gospel comes as a complete package already paid for by Christ. All we have to do is receive it. If corporations are aggressive to hard-sell products that cost people money, Christians should be more compelled to freely give that which they have freely received.

4.The Gospel Is The Whole Essence Of God's Power

Believers need to be reminded of the power of the gospel on a regular basis. We don't just need the gospel to get saved in the beginning and need something else in the end. We need the gospel all the way.

5. We Need To Hear It Ourselves

If there's anyone you need to preach the gospel to the most, it's yourself. We need the gospel just as much as anyone, and we are to preach it to ourselves so we can be reminded of God's love and faithfulness every day. As we go through life, we will need more and more of the good news of what Christ has already accomplished for us to be able to do the things He calls us to do.