5 Reasons Your Child May Be Misbehaving


Children are bound to act out with bad behaviour from time to time, but when it gets more prevalent, parents should really try to get to the bottom of their misbehaviour.

The team from All Pro Dad said parents should notice what's going on underneath the surface. One time, there was this kid who repeatedly hit his siblings with whatever he could get his hands on. It turned out that he was acting out whatever he was seeing on video games.

There are a lot of other reasons that are causing children to misbehave. One of them is that they have an irregular or unhealthy diet. "Bottom line: What kids eat affects how they behave. Doctors have been saying it for years, but it's true. Healthy eating encourages better behaviour," said All Pro Dad, a fatherhood programme of Family First, a national non-profit organisation based in Tampa, Florida.

Another reason could be that kids are trying to manipulate their parents. Kids often know how to push their parents' buttons, especially in a public setting. However, a wise parent will always know how to win these small battles with their kids no matter how inconvenient they can be.

Third, kids might be negatively influenced by the things they watch, the games they play, or the friends they spend time with. "Kids are great imitators of what they see and hear," the fathers' group said.

Fourth, kids might be acting out because they want to get their parents' attention. "Kids will knowingly misbehave if they find that it gets them the attention they crave but are lacking,"  said All Pro Dad.

Lastly, kids who are stressed out or under duress would definitely misbehave. Those who are dealing with familial issues, school problems, or relationship woes might be at a loss on how to handle the situation and therefore act out negatively as a cry for help.

Whatever the reason might be for a child's naughty behaviour, All Pro Dads wants parents to provide their kids with proper love and guidance. "Kids misbehave because they're kids; they need our direction. Sometimes they need our discipline. But they always need our unconditional love," the group said.