5 Ways to Be a Husband Who Gives His Wife Hope


Every Christian gets pumped up by the idea of blessing others because we believe that it is better to give than to receive.

But did you know that the idea of being a blessing starts much closer to home than most think? In fact, it starts so close to home that it starts in your home.

As an imperfect Christian husband, I do my best to be a blessing to my wife. I don't always get it right, but every time I fail to do so, I repent and get back on track in trying to be a blessing to my wife. It's a husband's call to be a constant source of blessing to his wife and vice versa. Through the small things we do and big sacrifices we make for our family, we give our wives hope.

Some couples may be going through a bump or two in their marital lives. This can really shake a couple's faith.

But God has more than enough hope to offer us, and we can share it with one another.

Here are five ways to share hope with your spouse today.

1. Connect to the Hope in Christ

I believe that this is the most crucial way we can give hope. We cannot give what we do not have. Thus, we must always keep filling ourselves with Jesus so that we can experience more of His hope and thus pour this to others.

Romans 15:13 says: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

God is faithful to fill us up with hope if we simply connect to Him to experience more of Jesus.

2. Pray With Your Spouse

There is power in separately praying for your spouse. But there is also another tap of power behind praying with your spouse. Matthew 18:20 says: "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

When we pray together, our hope and faith are contagious, and we share it with one another.

3. Openly Express Gratitude

Our affirmation comes from Christ alone. But we can be channels of that affirmation for God as well. We can do so by simply taking time to verbally and openly express appreciation for the little and big things our spouses do for us.

4. Encourage Each Other

Encouragement or edification is a call and gift given to all of us. Just like the way we encourage the people in our workplace and in our church, we should be as quick or even quicker to encourage the members of our household, starting with our spouse.

5. Walk The Talk

Most discouraging and hope-draining is when promises are broken. When we make a promise or are given a task, we should commit to making it happen. Marriages can often get so comfortable that we fail to remember that there are roles to play. Make a decision to walk the talk and deliver on your promises. You can even go the extra mile if you can.