5 Ways To Build A Christ-Centred Family


Building the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven starts with building it at home. The family is the basic unit of society and thus, also the basic unit of the church. When a church is comprised of healthy Christ-centred families, the church will be healthy and Christ-centred as well.

What does it mean to put Christ at the centre? It means making Jesus the foundation of all the parts of our lives—work, ministry, and even family. 1 Corinthians 3:11 tells us, "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Making Jesus the foundation of your family ensures that you have a successful, joyous and satisfying home.

Here are five ways to build a Christ-centred family.

1. Make Jesus The Goal Of Everything You Do

To make Jesus the centre of our lives not only calls for us to make Him the foundation, but also to make Him the end goal. Enjoying and experiencing Jesus is the ultimate prize. As a family, we are to pursue Christ and His presence, move and plan for our home.

2. Teach Your Children To Trust God

In their early years, children are born and raised dependent on their parents. But as they grow, our goal as parents is to redirect that dependence and trust to God instead of us. Jesus is the answer to all our needs and we are to instruct our kids to turn to Him for their everyday needs.

3. Acknowledge Jesus As Your Source

We all need to be reminded every time of just how all-sufficient and preeminent Christ is. Anything that takes Christ's place as the main and ultimate source of satisfaction, security and significance is an idol, and God calls for idols in the home to be abandoned. A home free from idols is one with Jesus at the centre.

4. Make Jesus Your Model For Everything

The character and compassion of Christ is one that we must all walk in to grow and thrive in loving relationships, most especially in the home. When we learn to walk as Christ did, we learn to love as He did. Jesus said in John 13:34, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."

5. Pursue Christ's Call For Your Life

When we pursue Christ's established purpose in our lives, we will walk with Him in the centre. Being in God's will allows us to walk with and in Him. That's why it's important to pursue God's will and plan for us individually and for our family over our own plans.