5 Ways We Can Live Out Child-like Faith


"And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'" — Matthew 18:2-3

In our church we have prayer request forms attached to offering envelopes for people to fill out and for us to pray for (I'm sure many other churches offer similar prayer request service). I love praying for people's prayer requests, but one category I enjoy reading most is the one written down by kids.

You can just imagine how fun it is to pray for requests for Xboxes, baby brothers and sisters, for health for their family members, and so on. Many kids just jot down prayers of praise and thanksgiving for what God has already given.

The faith of children is amazing, and Jesus urges us to be child-like in our faith. Here are five ways we can live out child-like faith.

1. Look to God for Provision

Barely do you see children make ends meet for themselves nowadays, and you don't see anyone of them being uncomfortable with that. The reliance children have on their faith is one God wants us to mimic. God is our Heavenly Father and He loves having us rely on Him for all provision.

2. Find Affirmation and Acceptance in God

As a Father, I make it a point to express my love and affirmation towards my daughter in a way that is evident to her. God does the same to us, and we are to respond to that affirmation and acceptance by living as sons and daughters, not only as workers and slaves of the kingdom of God.

3. Give God Room to Discipline You

Growing up, I was made to understand how important discipline is to my personal development. I didn't enjoy it, but I knew I needed it. Do you have that same attitude today? Discipline never stops when you leave your parents' household. God continues to mould and discipline us in love because He wants us to grow.

4. Marvel in God's Goodness

It's a joy watching kids marvel at the simplest things—theme parks, gifts, magic tricks, and the like. We can act in the same marvel and awe to God's goodness. It's not that hard really. All you have to do is to really pay attention.

5. Act in Humility and Obedience Towards God

In the same way children are expected to obey their parents, we also need to obey God. We are sinful beings, but through the power of the Holy Spirit we are changed from glory to glory so we can live lives that honour and please God. Child-like obedience is necessary to faith, and faith is further strengthened when we learn to obey more.