5000 Youth Became Christians During A European Youth Outreach JesusHouse Event

Berlin, March 22 (idea)- Around 5,000 youth from age 15 to 25 decided to be Christians in an JesusHouse event, while 420,000 people attended it. Also 15,000 youngsters showed interest in Christian youth activities and churches.

JesusHouse is part of the evangelistic project ProChrist. The event of this year was broadcast live from Berlin to 730 venues in eight European
countries March 16 to 20.

This year the central venue was the so-called "Palace of Tears" in Berlin, a former border crossing point between East and West. Evangelist Christina Riecke and actor Thorsten Hebel delivered messages to the audience.

The average age of the participants was known 17. About 30 per cent had no previous relationship with local churches.

The attendance of this year broke all the records of previous JesusHouse-events. In the year 2000, more than 220,000 people watched the programs relayed from the world exhibition. Expo in Hanover, and in 1998 120,000 took part in the venues showing programs from Nuremberg.