6 wrong thoughts that can negatively influence a Christian's sense of self


"What defines me?"

Have you ever tried asking yourself that question? We all know that the answer should be that God defines who we are at best, but sometimes it feels as if things apart from God give better and more sensible definitions to our identity than God's grace.

As we examine our lives, our decisions and the heights we have now reached, we look at these things and think, "Surely, I am defined by other things aside from God's opinion of me." And I'm not going to say that that's not true because we have been defined and identified by so many factors that surround us, but that's exactly the problem.

I'm not exempt from this. There have been too many occasions in my life where my decision-making and frame of thought was greatly defined by circumstances around me or an opinion someone had of me.

We all know what this feels like, and we also know that to let other things define you can be very frustrating. That's because the world will always give you a definition that you have to earn or work for. God, however, never works that way.

God's identity for us is not something that we work for but one that we simply receive from Him by His grace. We are conquerors, masterpieces, sons and daughters not because we earn it, but because God has graciously awarded us with these identities through his finished work on the cross.

What are some things that try to define us, and how do they trap us into trying to earn it?


The Bible does say in Matthew 7:16, "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits." We need to bear fruit, but when we start thinking that it's about our ability to produce fruits, we start falling short. It's always been about God's enabling grace.


The world today tries to determine your value according to your net worth. Here's news flash for you: Not everyone God used in the Bible was rich. In fact, there were many rich people that went against God's will in the Bible, too.

Opinions of others

Deep inside, we have a natural urge to please others, but the ultimate goal is always to please God and we do that best by placing our trust in Him.

Our own opinions

The worst person to try to please is ourselves. Most of the time, people will only demand more of themselves even when God has already said that you are prized, blessed and desired.

Our weaknesses

What things can't you do? Do they define you? Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:29, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." When we are weak, God's defining identity for us is strong.

Our strengths

Equally deceiving are the things that we can do for God, but it's never been about what we can do best, but what God wants to do through us. Even our strengths belong to God and not us because every skill and gift comes from Him.