6,000 Drawn to Salvation Army Family Conference Led by General Larsson

Salvation Army International previously declared 2005 the Year for Children and Youth, and in accordance with this a Family Conference was recently hosted by the USA Southern Territorial. The Salvation Army General John Larsson and Commissioner Freda Larsson were in attendance to mobilise parents, youth and children in families to engage in the mission for Christ together.

The event took place at the Gwinnett Centre outside Atlanta, Georgia, running from Friday 3rd June to Sunday 5th June. 6,000 Salvationists, all from family units, gathered for the plenary sessions in the arena, with stadium-like seating surrounding the stage floor. The atmosphere was reported as being lively and excellent.

Pre-conference workshops were available for early arrivals and covered topics such as "Parenting on Point", "A Dad by Any Other Name", "Eliminating the Fear Factor" and "God Knows, Marriage Isn’t Always Easy".

Seminars were led by such notable family health specialists as Dr Gary Chapman, Phil Chalmers, John Read, Mike Slater, James Williams, Lisa Thompson, Monique Nelson, Gordon Duvall and Chris Brown. Multicultural workshops and seminars were available for Hispanic, African, Indian and Korean delegates.

Some programmes are designed especially for different age groups. BIG (Bold In God) Family children's meetings were for six to 12-year-olds. Teens enjoyed the territorial youth councils and plenary sessions.

General John Larsson delivered keynote messages to the congregation in USA Southern Territorial. He emphasised the importance of making everyone feel welcome into God’s family.

"We are commanded by our Lord to love everyone without exception," he said. "We are all brothers and sisters in the family of God. Thank God for the gift of family love and the Christ-centred family life."

On Saturday, the two plenary sessions were themed "Help Each Other". The General and Commissioner Larsson spoke about "Our Family - the World", highlighting the outstanding work of the Salvation Army around the globe as they provide sustenance and hope everyday to those who are in suffering and despair.

The General complimented USA Southern Salvationists for their generosity in giving a 2005 total of US$7.75 million for World Service funds.

The rest of the gathering included a prayer walk, late-night cafe, trade store, a Salvationist art exhibit rounded out the weekend attractions, music, bands and dance performance.

The Sunday Bible message the General gave may have inspired many families to devote themselves to mission, "If we’re open to him, the Lord will show us the way he wants us to go, and - by the Holy Spirit’s strength - make the mission of Jesus the mission of our own lives."