80 Christian High School Students Arrested in Eritrea

Security forces have arrested around 80 high school students from Asmara comprehensive at an end of term party in Asmara, Eritrea. It has been indicated that the end of year party was held at the Bet Gergish public park, Release Eritrea has reported.

These action of the security forces have shocked and troubled parents and citizens in Asmara as well.

According to Dr. Berhane Asmelash, Director of Release Eritrea, there are two points of the event that he founds very disturbing: "Firstly these detainees are children and given the record of the government of Eritrea concerning prisoners and detainees I am troubled."

As the Eritrean government banned all the churches except those approved (Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran) in May 2002, Christians not belonging to the main denominations face persecution and their religious freedom is greatly restricted.

However, the latest action shows the government is going even beyond the restriction of religious freedom.

Dr. Berhane Asmelash continues: "I am apprehensive about the pattern of disrupting social functions and detaining people indiscriminately, the government of Eritrea seems to have intensified its purge against Eritrean Evangelicals and members of the closed churches, by removing not only their rights to religious freedom but now their rights to any form of social life."

Last month, police raided a wedding in Asmara, and arrested all the guests. Around 70 of them still remain imprisoned till this day, and have been refused freedom until they recant their evangelical faith.

Despite all these reports from the country, its government still insists there is no persecution in Eritrea. In an issued statement it says that "no groups or persons are persecuted in Eritrea for their beliefs or religion" and that people were "free to worship according to their wish."