9 top tweets about President Donald Trump and the viral 'glowing orb'
Donald Trump almost broke the Internet when he was filmed with his hands on a glowing globe, along with the President of Egypt and the King of Saudi Arabia. The event was the official opening of Saudi Arabia's new Ideological War Centre, set up to combat extremism. Below, we have collected some of the best tweets – although as yet there has not been a tweet from Donald Trump himself!
1. 'Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.' @BillKristol
2. 'For clarification, this is not a satanic ritual.' @ChurchofSatan
3. 'I haven't been able to catch up on the news but I know there is no way Trump touched the Glowing Orb of Global Islamic Dominance.' @kumailn
4. 'The next Lord of the Rings movie looks terrible.' @Mikel_Jollett
5. 'Trump During the Campaign: "I will NEVER touch The Orb, even though its mysterious glow seduces and beguiles." Trump Today....' @NickGreene
6. 'ALL HAIL THE ORB! The giant glowing globe Trump touched in Saudi Arabia has become a huge meme.' @frittaker
7. 'Trump, the Egyptian president, & the Saudi king touching a glowing globe looks like in Space Jam when the Monstars stole the players' talent.' @CaseyJSkeens
8. 'A google search I never predicted: Why is trump hold a glowing globe orb with the Saudis?' @devintoshea
9. 'Look if Trump is going to take down the Illuminati he's obviously going to have to do it from the inside.' @samthielman
WATCH: Trump and the glowing globe.