A cathedral light in the darkness

The Cathedral Church of St Nicholas in Newcastle is lighting its historic tower for the first time in years.

The cathedral tower was built in the fifteenth century and its lantern was used to guide travellers through the darkness.

The light not only marked out the church to travellers from the north, but was also used as a lighthouse beacon to aid sailors navigating their way along the nearby River Tyne.

The tower has not been lit since the early seventies and will be re-lit at a ceremony tonight to be attended by local dignitaries.

Folk music relating to the cathedral and its historic lantern will be played in the square outside the cathedral.

The lighting scheme for the tower has been put together by Sutton Vane Associates and will be followed by a similar scheme for the interior of the building.

Michael Grubb, of Sutton Vane said: “The external lighting scheme has been specifically designed to highlight the unique architectural details of the lantern. A careful balance of light and shadow are used to provide depth and visual interest to the structure after dusk. The new lighting scheme is extremely energy efficient.”

Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Christopher Dalliston said: “As far as we can gather, the lantern was still in use as a beacon until the late eighteenth century but once the town was lit by gas, it fell out of use. The lantern was lit by electricity in the sixties and possibly early seventies but then the lights fell out of use.

“We are delighted that we are bringing it back into use once more. The tower has an important role to play in the history of the city and we hope that the initiative not only respects the past but also gives the Lantern a modern feel. It will make for a stunning addition to the city’s night time landscape.”

Rather appropriately for St Nicholas' Day today, the man himself will be turning on the light together with John Fenwick of the Fenwick Family Trust, which covered the £20,000 cost of the lighting scheme.