'A Charlie Brown Christmas' presentation censored in Kentucky elementary school

Charlie Brown (left) and Linus with the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.(Wikipedia/Charles Schultz)

To avoid making religious references, a public elementary school in Johnson County, Kentucky has decided to censor a presentation of "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

According to Fox News, the W.R. Castle Elementary School has been ordered to remove a scene showing Linus sharing the true meaning of Christmas by quoting the Gospel of Luke.

Superintendent Tom Salyer was dismayed that the inspiring passage was removed from the programme after the school district received a complaint against it. "We're not reading that. It disappoints me that we have to do this," he said.

But Salyer said they have to follow the advice of school district attorneys. "In accordance with federal laws, our programmes will follow appropriate regulations. The U.S. Supreme Court and the 6th Circuit are very clear that public school staff may not endorse any religion when acting in their official capacities and during school activities," he writes in the school's website. "However, our district is fully committed to promote the spirit of giving and concern for our fellow citizens that help define the Christmas holiday. With core values such as service, integrity, leadership, and commitment, our staff and students will continue to proudly represent our district as recently demonstrated by our many student successes."

Baptist preacher Tom Winston is not happy with the development and has taken to picketing outside the local high school, hoping that the true meaning of Christmas be proclaimed in the programme.

"If you take Christ out of the Christmas play, it's only a play," he said. "That's the bottom line."

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a law group that takes on religious liberty issues, is also calling on the district to reconsider its censorship.

"There is no violation of the so-called 'separation of church and state' by allowing children to learn about theatre and the origins of Christmas through participating in a stage version of this beloved programme that contains the same religious elements as the television version," ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco wrote in their letter.

"Moreover, students may learn about the religious origins of Christmas as part of school activities without offending the Constitution," he added.