A Digital Audio Solution for Evangelism

|PIC1|A new MP3-style audio player is being used as a communication tool to spread the Gospel to where missionaries are unable to go, and where language and illiteracy have become problems in delivering God's Word.

The MegaVoice Messenger (see picture) is designed by former champion Australian sculler and snow skier Tom Treseder, and is developed specifically to broadcast the Bible to remote areas of the globe, in any language. In effect, the MegaVoice has been developed as the Bible on a single microchip says Mr Treseder.

"MegaVoice is as revolutionary as the Guttenberg press!" exclaimed Treseder, who is also a former state director of the Bible Society in Australia. "It’s a powerful tool to potentially communicate the Bible to the nearly three billion people—half the world's population—who are functionally illiterate."

In Australia, the Megavoice audio player has the support of two former federal politicians who are helping the Bible Society in Queensland raise funds to purchase 9,000 of the players to be sent to the Gulf States such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Treseder had set out to develop an audio player that would overcome the problems encountered in remote locations with traditional audio technology which would be durable and low in cost - and at $33 each with solar recharging capabilities, MegaVoice appears to be close to the mark as these players are available at a fraction of the price of other digital audio players in today's market.

Former Federal Member for McPherson (on the Gold Coast), Mr John Bradford, says the MegaVoice is unique in that once a message has been recorded onto the player, it cannot be erased by the end user. "So a Mongolian who receives the gift of a MegaVoice audio player can only listen to readings of the Bible...or give it to someone else happy to listen," he said.

Supporters of the audio player have also pointed out that the audio player will make the Gospel available to the 90 million people around the world who are blind and cannot read the Bible by themselves.

The Megavoice Messenger is about the size of a credit card and weighs under an ounce.

Jennifer Riley
Christian Today Contributor