A haven in the midst of violence

In recent months violence has erupted around the High Plateau in Eastern Congo as government forces have moved in to engage the rebel Interhamwe fighters (FDLR).

The result of the conflict has been the evacuation of villages Kafune and Kinyarama and complete destruction of the village of Rubuga, leaving families homeless and desperate.

One of the things we often take for granted in life is having a place of sanctuary, somewhere where we can feel safe and have hope. For many people this place is their home. But where do you turn when your home has been destroyed and your community displaced?

In the High Plateau of Eastern Congo, people have found sanctuary in the village of Murungu, for here God’s promise comforts his people. Amidst destruction and sorrow, Murungu has become a safe haven and a place of hope for the many displaced families in the region.

ARM Congo, a local partner of World Emergency Relief UK (WER), is the only NGO working on the ground in Murungu. Its local director, Pastor Ruben, tells us that he prays everyday for the safety and well being of the people there. He is thankful that so far his prayers have been heard and that Murungu remains peaceful.

DR Congo has a long history of violence with an estimated three million lives lost in the last decade due to conflict. This has devastated the social and development structure of the country leaving schools, hospitals and homes destroyed and many people without shelter and short of food and water.

Despite a peace deal being brokered in 2003 the threat of civil war remains a possibility and the country is still in a grip of a humanitarian crisis.

Reports from last December told us of rebels and government soldier’s alike taking cows, goats and crops from civilians. This has exacerbated the situation for families in the region whose livelihoods are being snatched away.

ARM Congo is providing support for the many displaced people in Murungu. It was recently able to distribute food to over 700 people from the villages of Kafune and Kinyarama, which were evacuated in December due to the fighting. The distribution of flour, beans and potatoes was enough to feed these people for 20-30 days.

However, since the village of Rubuga was destroyed, ARM Congo has been faced with the challenge of providing food and shelter for over 100 additional families. According to Pastor Ruben it has only been possible to help 8 of these families so far and 96 others are in desperate need of support.

“Their chief, knowing that we have been caring for the families of these other two villages, has asked for some assistance. Rebuilding their homes will not begin for some time, but at present they are hungry and needing food and shelter.

"We are already committed to helping the families of Kafune and Kinyarama, but these other families are now in a desperate situation. They will greatly appreciate any help that people can give them.

"Those who we have been able to assist already are so appreciative that people from the west are praying for them and helping them."

Over the past few years ARM Congo has helped to rebuild a village called Rubibi which had also been destroyed at the hands of rebel fighters. Pastor Ruben has faith that this achievement can one day be realised for the village of Rubuga.

“I had the privilege of travelling to Rubibi last October and officially opening the village. We pray that we will be able to do the same for Rubuga so that, one day, it too can welcome back the families it has lost.”

Concerned Christians can offer prayer for those trapped in the fighting in Marungu.

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