A.J. Styles beats Jinder Mahal, wins WWE championship fight

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A.J. Styles won the WWE title during the Championship of the Survivor Series.

In Manchester, England, Styles got into the ring with reigning champ Jinder Mahal. The two fought it out and Styles emerged victorious, earning him the title of new WWE champion.

According to the Baltimore Sun Styles was originally supposed to be competing for a spot on the Survivor Series team. However, instead of doing that, he was given the opportunity to face off against former WWE champion Mahal for the WWE champion title. Styles took the opportunity and won both the fight and his brand-new title as champion.

A handful of fans found the transition somewhat sudden. At one moment Styles was supposed to be merely competing for a spot on the team, and at the next moment, he was suddenly defeating Mahal and claiming the champion title for himself.

WWE's choice in matchups led to some questions from the fans. It has also led to speculations from those involved, with a handful wondering if the choice of the matchup was done to spark up drama and get people to watch the episode or whether it was inserted to fan the flames between Styles and Mahal.

Whatever the reason behind the matchup, fans were excited to see what would become of the fight between fan-favorite Styles and reigning champ Mahal. Style's latest win has also made him a two-time champion. According to the Baltimore Sun, this was something fans didn't exactly see coming, but that Style's recent win is starting to show that he's a big threat who knows what he's doing in the ring.

Styles became a fan favorite early on in the Survivor Series and was dubbed The Wild Card. He defeated Samir Singh in record time earlier in the season, and he also fought against Rusev.

A.J. Styles first debuted in 1998 and has been wrestling ever since.