A Light For My Path

|PIC1|"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1)

Being heavily focused on the study of the scriptures and to its application and integration in our daily lives is the secret to finding our true path in life...

Christ came to this earth and revealed the Love of God for man; in a humble form he became our salvation and redemption from sin so that our relationship with God may be restored once again. By following this and understanding this, our lives can grow more deeply in God's Love and grow in faith each day...

Recieving the Word of God is important; through the Gospel, the Lord reveals to us His heart, His will, His plan and His Love for us. If we do not recieve it, we cannot know which way to go...as it is written, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119:105).

And so realizing the importance of the Word and the Gospel as the core and focus of our lives first is vital. Devoting ourselves to to the first to the reading, then the teaching, and finally, the preaching of the Gospel.

For it is only through the Scriptures we come to know Christ and only through this salvation that we may then bring others to Christ. Having this desire, this dream to seek Christ and know Christ, of knowing Him and making Him known, all this originates from the work of the Holy Spirit through reading of the Word and the Gospel daily in our lives!
