A ‘lovely’ opportunity

|PIC1|‘New York is the capital of the west, but London is the capital of the world’. So said one well known film star on a recent visit to the UK’s capital. Indeed the world seems to live in London. Home to approximately 7.5 million people, London is a city of amazing diversity, cultural colour and ongoing opportunity.

However, not everything in the ‘London garden’ is rosy. Along with the recent economic downturn, revelations about certain MPs’ financial misdemeanours, and all sorts of other political and social disruptions, people are asking the question: where will all this end? What hope is there for my family, for my job, for my own financial security? Is there an answer to all the confusion and worry?

With society facing some of its most challenging situations in recent times and so many individuals experiencing frustrations, loneliness, and heartbreak, I believe Christians have an open door of opportunity to share the Gospel and the power of God’s love.

At this time London needs the church to arise, to take its place, to be what it’s called to be. The church needs to rediscover its confidence in the power of the Gospel to change lives. It’s time for churches to show and deliver sacrificial love to the communities in which they find themselves across the capital, and it’s time for the church to return to it’s primary purpose – sharing the Gospel with those who so desperately need God’s love and forgiveness, whether they recognise it or not.

While some may care to argue or differ over secondary issues, the words of St Paul still ring true today – ‘the Gospel IS the power of salvation to those who believe’. This is the message entrusted to the church. It’s a message of hope, of power, of forgiveness, transformation and truth. It’s a message that the church cannot afford to keep to itself and it’s a message that London badly needs to hear.

Whilst society seems to head toward what could be classed as ‘eternal fragmentation’, the churches across London have an opportunity to unite as never before, implement change as never before and in doing so show the London population the power of God’s Love.

So how can churches respond to London’s needs at this time? Through uniting together in prayer, fellowship, social action and evangelism.

Scripture says that there is blessing when the church dwells together in unity (Ps 133). Although there is much disharmony across the capital, the opportunity looms large for the church to come together in unity to proclaim God’s love and the message of salvation.

One way that this can be achieved is through the Love London project. Love London seeks to bring churches together within their own boroughs to encourage and see those churches work alongside each other to bring change, hope and love to their communities through prayer, fellowship, social action and evangelism.

On Saturday nights many people are glued to their television sets watching ‘Britain’s got Talent’. Different acts perform before the judges to see if they can make the most of their opportunity to make it through to the big time in the entertainment world. We are living in a time when ‘opportunity’ is knocking on the door of the church. We must reach out and take it – the eternal destiny of thousands depends on it.

Steve Mullins is an international evangelist and founder of the Dry Bones Trust, the ministry behind Love London. For information on how you’re church can play a part in Love London at this time, visit www.love-london.info or contact info@drybonestrust.org