A special appeal to support the Christianity website

I am writing to ask all Christian leaders to put a new link on to any website they have influence over. In addition consider, blog sites, brochures, magazines and general publicity material where www.christianity.org.uk can be displayed.

There are millions of people in England who use the internet, and some find their way to church websites when looking for a wedding or local minister. Millions too, are studying at school who want to find out about ‘Christianity’ because of a study project they are researching for. Research from Tearfund indicated that 3 million people might be interested in church if invited. All this illustrates an interest in Christianity and now the churches in England have a new resource to help people find out more.

The website www.christianity.org.uk has taken a lot of planning and design to make it available for all abilities, age groups and faith traditions. In addition to a host of information, there is space to leave a prayer and to ask for more information – there is even the facility if people request it for a personal contact. All this is being provided free by the Christian Enquiry Agency which is working with Church Army and Deo Gloria together with representatives of churches in England. The intention is that the cost is covered by personal and church donations but the service is for all Christians and people who want to enquire about Christianity without charge.

So, as Secretary for Evangelisation at Churches Together in England I want to take the unusual step of making a request. My work is usually backstage but on this occasion I want to commend the new web resource as a foundations tool for all churches and mission agencies for evangelisation. I want to ask that www.christianity.org.uk is linked to all websites you have contact with.

Of course it would be better still if the new Christianity website were to be signposted outside church networks – in national newspapers and the like – but our own websites are a start and Google will do the rest. Perhaps if large donations are given, then it can be posted much further afield!

Can you therefore?

1. Pray for this major new initiative
2. Have a look yourself at www.christianity.org.uk yourself
3. Commend the website to the people in your own personal networks
4. Arrange for this article to be posted in local websites and magazines
5. Use the banner and provide a direct permanent web link to www.christianity.org.uk
6. Add www.christianity.org.uk to your email signature
7. Encourage people revisit the site and see how it changes with seasonal themes
8. Support the development of the website through ‘enquiries(AT)christianity.org.uk’
9. Pray again for people to find faith in Jesus Christ through www.christianity.org.uk

Many thanks

Captain Jim Currin, CA
Secretary for Evangelisation
Churches Together in England