Abby Lee Miller news: Preparing post-prison autobiography?

Former "Dance Moms" host Abby Lee Miller is looking to share her experience in a federal prison publicly by publishing an autobiography as soon as she completes her year-long sentence. She has hired herself a ghostwriter to write her autobiography while she is still serving her time.

The reality star is currently imprisoned at the Federal Correctional Institution in Victorville, California. According to reports, she's been tipping off a writer with information about her time it the facility. She is also telling people that the book will be published as soon as she gets out.

"Dance Moms" promotional photo featuring Abby Lee Miller.Facebook/DanceMomsonLIFETIME

It is also reported that Miller is not taking her confinement very well, as she is constantly complaining and whining, and having "fits of hysterical crying" in prison.

She has also managed to annoy other inmates with her behavior. This has led to reports that she has hired personal security to shadow her around the facility and stand in front of her cell to prevent anyone from attacking her while she is sleeping.

Miller checked herself into the facility on July 12, more than a year after pleading guilty at a federal court in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for charges of bankruptcy fraud.

She was charged in 2015 for creating a secret bank account to hide $775,000 worth of income from her reality show and its spinoffs. In 2016, Miller reached a deal with the IRS criminal investigators to enter a guilty plea.

Shortly before she surrendered, she shared that she viewed the 366-day sentence as a much needed "me" time. "I've always put everybody else's child first before my own health, before my own outfit, before my own time frame," Miller told Entertainment Tonight. "Everybody else was dressed and out the door and looking perfect and I was running around trying to find a clean towel to take a shower with, so I think this will be a little 'me' time."