ACET says education key to beating HIV

ACET, the Christian HIV and Aids charity, has produced a free resource pack to help churches mark World Aids Day on December 1, stressing the vital role of church led education in HIV prevention.

The pack, Facts for Life, focuses on ACET's HIV prevention work which currently reaches over one million young people with sex, relationship and lifestyle education based on Christian principles and delivered by church based volunteers.

Peter Fabian, ACET Chief Executive, said, "Much of the focus on HIV and Aids work has been on treatment and care and both of these are important.

"However, through our rapidly growing Facts for Life programme, ACET is also offering relevant health, relationship and sex education in schools, colleges and prisons delivered by local church volunteers."

The strategy is grounded in a 'prevention is better than cure' ethos.

"These sessions are designed to reach each new generation and prevent them becoming infected in the first place," he continued.

"The local church in many countries is at the centre of this work to help young people to make good and safe choices and we are calling on more UK congregations to talk about HIV and Aids; issues many have traditionally found it hard to talk about."

Facts for Life contains service ideas, presentations, stories and encouragement from around the world as well as a challenge to the local church to get more involved.

"Each day nearly 7,000 people are newly infected by HIV whilst nearly 6,000 die of AIDS. In response to these statistics, which represent thousands of individual tragedies, we hope and pray churches will pray and give, as well as taking action in their local community this year," said Fabian.

The free pack is available by e-mailing