ACTS Apologises for 'Festive Greetings'

Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) has apologised for the upset caused by emails sent informing its members of ACTS' new address and phone numbers which were signed, "wishing you festive greetings from all the ACTS staff".

Peter Kearney, spokesman for the Scottish Bishops' Conference said: "I cringed when I read that because it smacks of the sort of bland political correctness we are fighting to avoid. If the churches can't get their act together we may as well send out glittery Xmas cards with robins and holly on them and a greeting inside along the lines of 'Happy Winterval'."

He added: "In light of the many efforts by Church leaders and others in recent years to put 'Christ back into Christmas' it is disappointing to see that our national ecumenical body is using secular terminology like "festive greetings".

Rev. Lindsey Anderson, ACTS' assistant general secretary, apologised saying: "I hold my hands up and say sorry because I do believe Christ is and should be at the heart of Christmas. I agree with Peter that we should wish each other 'Merry Christmas' and send religious cards. I'm sorry if I upset him and any other Christmas."