Afghanistan: Women's rights protestors are 'slaves of Christians'

Women’s rights protestors in Afghanistan have been condemned as the “slaves of Christians” for opposing a proposed law which effectively legalises marital rape and lays down the conditions upon which a wife may leave her own home.

Around 1,000 people harassed a 300-strong demonstration earlier in the week by mostly young women against the proposed new marriage law.

The counter-protesters, made up of both men and women, shouted “Death to the slaves of Christians!” at those against the law and in some cases threw stones at them. Women police officers were needed to protect the protesters.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said that the Shiite family law is currently being reviewed by the Justice Department and will not be implemented in its current form. US President Barack Obama called the proposed law “abhorrent”.

The law will only apply to Shiites in Afghanistan, who make up around 10 to 20 per cent of the population, but still caused uproar as it was seen as a step back to the days of the Taliban who forced women to wear burqas and would not allow them to leave their homes without male relatives.

Supporters of the law say that foreigners should not get involved in the laws of Afghanistan.

One woman at the protest carried a banner saying “We don’t want Taliban law”. She was heckled by a man who said, “You are a dog! You are not a Shiite woman!” She replied, “This is my land and my people,” reports

Those protesting the law said that more women would have joined them but in many cases men had not allowed them to join.

Masuma Hasani, 14, said, "I am concerned about my future with this law … We want our rights. We don't want women to just be used."

However, one woman supporting the law, Mariam Sajadi, 24, said, “We don't want foreigners interfering in our lives. They are the enemy of Afghanistan."