Africa Bishop calls for Ghana to Embrace Christian Education to Change Society

The Association of Christian Schools has urged Ghana's government and policy makers to embrace a new education system based on Christian moral values.

The Association has stated that a nation with Christian education always shows developments and responsible leadership in the country.

Rev. Dr. Gordon Kisseih, Miracle Life Church's bishop presiding at the 8th Annual Conference of the Association with the theme "Christian Education: A Dynamic Tool In Education,' said that education which does not include the moral development of the child can only wreck a nation instead of developing it.

"Ghana, once the pride of Africa and noted for scholarship and academic excellence, is now turning out graduates who can hardly make any meaningful expressions with their thoughts on paper," Dr Kisseih said as he expressed his sadness.

Rev. Kisseih reported that Ghana's recent educational system has raised up people who commit high crimes, that have teenage pregnancies, abortions, alcoholism, and armed robbery.

He continued saying that in any nation, the generation rises up on its education system - and one set up with Christian moral values always produces responsible leaders to govern the nation. He therefore urged the government and policy makers to embrace Christian education in the country.