African Anglicans Oppose Dr Williams’ Covenant Proposals

The largest Anglican Church in Africa has criticised recent proposals made by the spiritual head of the worldwide Communion, Dr Rowan Williams, which called for a new two-tiered system which could allow at least some degree of unity amongst the warring factions of the Church.

The Anglican Church has been at crisis point since the Episcopal Church in America ordained the first openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson, in 2003.

A majority in the worldwide Anglican Communion support the traditional teachings based on Biblical Scripture, that are firmly against homosexuality. However, others, and a majority within the ECUSA, believe that homosexuality is compatible inside the Church.

In an attempt to keep some degree of unity within the worldwide Church the Archbishop of Canterbury last month called for a two-tiered system of membership. The “covenant system” proposes that Churches should be asked to sign a formal covenant, which would allow some to be fuller members of the Anglican Communion than others.