Agape Summer Projects Across Four Continents

A global summer mission trip has begun with the purpose to "make disciples of all nations." It is
sponsored by Agape student ministry, a member of the Evangelical Alliance, Global Connections and part of Campus Crusade for Christ International.

This year five teams have been organised, and delegates travelled to four continents including Europe, Africa, Middle East and North America. They set out to the campuses of Dartmouth, Haifa, Namibia and St. Petersburg respectively to proclaim Christ to students there. Now only the London team remains, and the projects will start on 25th July.

The London team will join in partnership with 'Soul in the City' to evangelise on campus' from 25th July to 7th August. The programme will be a mixture of worship, training, social action and student outreach.

The first week of the project will be focusing on the cutting edge of evangelism ministry on campus. Delegates will be able to learn how to engage students with the gospel on campus. In the afternoon, action groups (groups training in face to face evangelism) will be run on a few London campuses. During the second week, there will be exposure to a more social action style ministry with an Islington church.

Dartmouth, Haifa, Namibia and the St Petersburg team returned from their mission places recently, and members shared the great opportunity of evangelising in different cultures and testified the amazing work that God has done through them. Most of the team joined with the local groups to evangelise on the campuses and meet with students.

In addition, the Haifa team went on a two day trip to Galilee and the Golan Heights to tour the birthplace of Jesus and sites of his teachings as well as other Biblical events, including the Dead sea and Masalal; whilst the St Petersburg team ran an English camp in order to attract many students to join in their activities.

"Summer projects for us are a vital part of our mission, students from one part of the world reaching students of another part of the world. On summer projects we get to expand our vision of what God is like, of his vision for the whole world, about his commission that we have been give to take the gospel to every nation. Not only that God does incredible things through us but also in us, challenging our perspectives, our value and transforming us to build our capacity to lead for him in the Great Commission. So I believe that every student, every person should get the opportunity to go cross-cultural, and taste for themselves, experience firsthand God's work all around the planet." said Andy Atkins, Agape National Student Director.