Aircraft engineers win Church-sponsored award

A company that makes aircraft engines has won a Church-sponsored award for its work in the community.

GE Aviation Wales, based at Nantgarw, near Caerphilly, was praised for its work in helping homeless young people and vulnerable women.

More than 50 employees at the company put their skills and expertise to additional good use at the Llamau charity and its Learning 4 Life scheme.

The volunteers provide work experience and help out in fundraising, workshops and projects.

Their efforts were rewarded when the company was handed the Corporate Social Responsibility award at last week's Inspire Wales Awards.

The awards, now in their third year, are run by the Institute of Welsh Affairs, in partnership with The Western Mail.

They recognise people who inspire, lead and motivate others through creativity, ingenuity and commitment.

The Corporate Social Responsibility category was sponsored by the Church in Wales and the award was presented by the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan.

Dr Morgan said, “This award encourages companies to see beyond the profit margins to the wider community. GE Aviation Wales is a world-class company but it is still concerned about the people on its doorstep and cares for the area in which it operates.

"It has a solid sense of corporate social responsibility – a value very much at the heart of church life and one we are delighted to recognise by presenting this award.”