AllTogether - Downloadable Lent Prayers Available Online

|PIC1|With Lent already a week in, the Evangelical Alliance have put together a Prayer Resource available to download from their website.

The 'Lent Prayers', available in pdf format, includes contributions from the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA), the African and Caribbean Evangelical Aliance (ACEA) and Global Connections, as well as the Alliance itself from around the nations.

"From the earliest days of the Christian faith, Lent has been a time for reflection and taking stock." writes Rev Joel Edwards, the Alliance's General Director.

"I would like to encourage you to use the Lent Prayer to help you spend more time with God"

The Lent Prayers include a daily bible reading, short reflection and prayer points for each day, and by placing the Prayers on their website, EAUK hopes that readers will download copies for their friends and churches.

"Our theme is Alltogether, praying for unity among Christians, and evangelicals in particular, to unite so that together we can change society" concludes Rev Edwards.

The following is a sample taken from Friday 3rd March
John 17:20-26
Jesus issues a call for unity between Christians. This was no Hollywood hype, but an evangelistic imperative, "To let the world know that you sent me" (v23).

Give Thanks: For those Christians impacting communities through working with others

Pray: That God will protect and develop their unity and the effectiveness of their ministries.

Copies are available by clicking here