AMD Ryzen Windows 10 scheduler bug problems update: AMD denies issues with incompatibility

A promotional image for AMD Ryzen.Facebook/AMD

It has been recently reported that there is a bug in Windows 10 scheduler that is limiting the performance of the new AMD Ryzen central processing units (CPUs). But what does Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) have to say regarding the issue?

According to, the issue is caused by the difference between how the Windows operating system handles threading between Intel and AMD processors. While the operating system prioritizes main threads over secondary threads with Intel processors, it treats all threads as equal with AMD. Since higher priority tasks are treated equally with the lower priority tasks, it causes the overall performance to suffer.

However, AMD does not seem to agree to the findings. The company has recently released a statement through its community website, denying that there is an incompatibility with Ryzen and Windows 10. AMD explains, "We have investigated reports alleging incorrect thread scheduling on the AMD Ryzen processor. Based on our findings, AMD believes that the Windows 10 thread scheduler is operating properly for 'Zen,' and we do not presently believe there is an issue with the scheduler adversely utilizing the logical and physical configurations of the architecture."

Reviewers found the problem when they tested Ryzen on both Windows 7 and Windows 10, and discovered a dip in performance in the newer operating system, according to Some are even suggesting that gamers use Windows 7 instead, as it works better with Ryzen. However, AMD also states in its community update that it has reviewed the available evidence concerning the limited performance of Ryzen on both Windows operating system versions and firmly believes that there is no issue with scheduling differences between Windows 7 and Windows 10. Instead, AMD claims that it is "more likely attributed to software architecture difference" between the operating systems.

As of now, Windows 10 is the only operating system that is believed to have been affected by the scheduler issue. Users will have to wait for more reviews in the future.