'American Horror Story' season 4 episode 7 'Test of Strength': What did Dell do now? Women of the freak show are enraged

After freak show manager Elsa hit her target (which is Paul's gut) in the sixth episode, "American Horror Story: Freak Show" continues on with all its wild warfare in its seventh episode, "Test of Strength." 

Dell (Michael Chiklis) will jumpstart the pandemonium in the upcoming episode, which promises chaos stemming from another act of violence courtesy of his terrible anger management skills. The one on the receiving end though, remains a mystery. 

But according to IB Times, the strongman's three-breasted spouse Desiree (Angela Bassett) is likely the target of the violence. Their marriage is not at all smooth sailing, now that Desiree realized her femininity, physically and biologically. Previously, Desiree stormed out of their trailer and into Ethel's (Kathy Bates) because she's fed up with Dell's cruel treatment. As she went off in a huff, she uttered her plans to get a surgery. Whether it is his wife's walkout or her decision to move into his ex-wife's home that enraged the brawny man, it is still unknown, but the odds of Ethel suffering under Dell's fury come into the picture, too. 

IB Times also suggests how Dell takes on his ominous rage to a doctor, who probably won't take any more surgery requests with his broken bones. Ethel and Desiree's visit to the beat up surgeon may prompt their settling the score. In the next episode, the two will likely come back to Dell, but certainly not to kiss and make up, but rather to rally against his temper issues and consequent cruelty. 

On top of the train wreck marriage, there are also more misgivings to take in hand. Dandy (Finn Wittrock) and his dubious rescue story will be surrounded with qualms. In the upcoming episode, Jimmy (Evan Peters) will be the one to express his mounting doubts about Dandy and the clown murders that shook Jupiter, Florida. 

These are just two of the never-ending mayhems in "American Horror Story: Freak Show". "Test of Strength" will be aired on Nov. 19 on FX. If you miss the episode, be sure to watch it online via live stream on FX.com