'America's Next Top Model' cycle 22 episode 6 results; former contestant reveals possible winner

Contestants will walk down a see-through runway suspended above the ground in the upcoming episode of "America's Next Top Model" season 22.Facebook/CW

"America's Next Top Model" cycle 22 just aired its latest episode last night and viewers got to watch the haunting in-house models.

Sept. 9's episode was entitled "The Girl Who Gets Possessed" and the models were seen dressed in white garments with scary poses. The models were also suspended in midair as they put on their scariest faces possible.

Celeb Dirty Laundry provided the results on its live blog and it stated that Hadassah Richardson didn't give off a strong presence on set, and that's not surprising at all.

In the promo teaser, it was shown that Richardson was having a hard time, but in the end, she pulled off.

Richardson managed to turn things around as she produced a great shot, as reported by the news outlet. On the other hand, Mame Adjei was confident about herself and she thought she'd place higher than Richardson.

She did score high, but Richardson, who was in the bottom two, improved her ranks and placed just next to Adjei, thus intensifying the rivalry between the two.

For this week, people saw Courtney DuPerow and Ava Capra landing on the bottom two. The latter seemed to have lost her confidence compromising her photos as a result.

As for the high scorers for the night, it were Nyle DiMarco and Justin Kim who impressed judge Kelly Cutrone.

It also appears these two could be fighting for the winning title — at least for former in-house model Dustin McNeer that is.

Speaking to Gossip & Gab, McNeer revealed that he could see Kim and DiMarco reaching the end of the competition.

"I'm rooting for the homies, Justin and Nyle," McNeer said in an interview with Gossip & Gab.

Who could still be on the competition and who will leave? New episodes of "America's Next Top Model" Cycle 22 returns every Wednesday at 8 p.m EDT on The CW.