Amir Khan eyes Olympic stint? [VIDEO]

Amir KhanReuters

With professional boxers being allowed by the L'Association Internationale de Boxe Amateur (AIBA) to compete in the Olympics, at least two professional fighters seem to be interested in competing, although it may prove to be fatal for up and coming amateur boxers.

The two fighters in mention are Amir Khan and Wladimir Kltischko, both big names in their respective divisions.

The move is somehow similar to the move that basketball did before, allowing professional players into the Olympics. And while the move drew a lot of criticisms, everyone has seen by now how participating nations improved a lot with the rule.

Could this hold true for the boxing as well?

There are two issues that come into mind with this move. One is how will boxers perform against professionals around and the second is how this affects the development of up and coming amateur boxers.

Without question, seeing Khan go up against virtual unknowns in the sport could be lethal. His experience alone is an advantage, although it does offer opportunities for long shots to be discovered. Still and all, seeing a pro go up against an amateur still doesn't seem like a balanced fight.

More so if you think about Klitschko where someone could get seriously hurt.

As far as the development program of boxing is concerned, such is bound to take a hit. With pro boxers around, the opportunities to rise is considerably dampened. It could ruin aspirations of boxers who could one day become pro, seeing that they may end up trying to fight for second best.

There could be, of course, instances wherein some amateur boxers are ripe to take on pro boxers; but the odds of that are certainly not looking high.

The move could perk up the attention in the Olympics but may hurt the sport as well in some other facets like missing out on promising individuals like Khan back in 2004.

In case you didn't know, here is Khan in action during the 2004 Athens Olympics.
