Android 5.0.2 Lollipop: HTC One M7 Developer and Unlocked editions get update

Android 5.0 Lollipop update[Photo credit: Android]

HTC is now rolling out Android 5.0.2 Lollipop to Unlocked and Developer editions of its 2013 flagship smartphone, the HTC One (M7). HTC Vice President of Product Management Mo Versi sent out a tweet to his followers to relay the good news. 

The sweet update will come with the Sense 6 UI but a change log is not available for it. According to leakster @LlabTooFer, the firmware coming to the Developer and U.S. editions is at 702.52 MB and it bears the model number 7.17.1540.7. Lollipop will bring vibrant animations and visuals with its Material Design, new notification tray and lock screen as well as enhancements on privacy, performance and battery life. Owners of the aforementioned variants who have yet to get the update can check the settings of their handsets to install the device (go to Settings then About phone). 

There is also no word as to when exactly the carrier versions of the handset will get a taste of the update. For now, users only know that HTC will not be able to keep its prearranged 90-day Android Lollipop rollout promise for the carrier variants of the HTC One M7 and the HTC One M8, which falls on Feb. 1. 

HTC missed the date as Google has been making constant fixes to the operating system. HTC is avoiding any issues that can come about with a bug-laden update so the release date sacrifice was much needed. The tech firm has been working to fix bugs on their end as they incorporate that of Google's, but it takes more than the stipulated date to pull all that off. Nevertheless, Android Lollipop for the HTC One M7 and One M8 should come in next to no time. 

According to Gadgets NDTV, other devices lined up to get the new operating system include the HTC One mini and the HTC One mini 2 as well as the Desire 816, One Max, and Butterfly S.