Android 5.0 Lollipop update for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on AT&T finally lands for users

Samsung Galaxy Note 4Samsung

For Android users, hearing that an Android update has finally arrived would normally draw applause and cheers. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case for Galaxy Note 4 users who seemed to be fine waiting for an update but with less problems.

AT&T did manage to release the Android 5.0 Lollipop for its Samsung Galaxy Note 4 subscribers but it looks like they aren't too happy. For one thing, the release comes a way late despite the update being released as early as December of 2014.

One factor is that being a new device, the Galaxy Note 4 was something expected to come out with the Android 5.0 Lollipop out of the box. But based on reactions, perhaps it would have been best to release and Android update that would have less problems in two.

It is no secret that the Android 5.0 comes with a chunk of problems. That includes bugs, performance issues, memory leaks, overheating and of course the much publicized battery life problems. An update that carries that much problems is bound to make subscriber think – is it worth downloading and applying?

On the bright side, users will have new features to look forward to. That includes addressing previous bugs that prior Android version had as well as some bloatware that include Amazon Shopping, Softcard and Evernote.

There is word that the update will even provide HD Calling features which will support HD Voice SM feature. However this will only be available in selected market, sadly unnamed for now.

For users, it may have been better perhaps if they got the Android 5.1 Lollipop update, something other phones already have. Not only that, the 5.1 version addresses the old bugs and provides more fixes, making it something worth downloading.

For now, Samsung Galaxy Note 4 users will have to make do with Android 5.0 and hope that AT&T outs the 5.1 edition soon.