Android 5.1 Lollipop released, memory leak glitch not fixed yet

Android 5.1 Lollipop update[Photo credit: Android]

In an attempt to tend the bugs that came along with Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google released follow-up builds of the new operating system — the 5.0.1 and the 5.0.2. Although the updates did their job in eliminating some issues, they came with hiccups, too, particularly the former. 

The 5.0.1 version of Lollipop emerged with a slew of new bugs, the memory leak glitch being the prevailing one. The hitch eats up the RAM of Lollipop-donning handsets, which causes apps to freeze, lag and crash. Needless to say, 5.0.2 was not able to clean up that mess. 

It was then expected that the 5.1 build of the Android OS would be the one to get the job done. Unfortunately, when it was seeded to Nexus and Android One devices, the pressing bug remained defiant and persistent, and it uses up the RAM of the handsets like crazy. 

One Nexus user took his experience to Google's official AOSP (Android Open Source Project) Issue Tracker and aired his disappointment about the newest Lollipop build's inability to bring remedy. From 1.1 GB RAM, the distressed user's phone's RAM went down to 800 MB after a day of usage. 

Google, although reiterating its success in getting rid of the memory leak glitch during its internal testing, has taken action rather quickly and is now on the move for Android 5.1.1 Lollipop. 

Android 5.1 Lollipop serves as the first major update for Google's hottest software. Apart from the much-needed improvement in stability, the update was also intended to bring new features to the table. First one is the silent mode, which does away with sound and notifies users with buzzless LED. Moreover, the update marks the end of automatic Wi-Fi connecting and a new "until next alarm" option that takes away the sound of a notification until the alarm is set up. Lastly, Android 5.1 Lollipop should offer more security for handsets as its new feature will be giving thieves a hard time gaining access to a stolen phone.