Android 5.1 Lollipop update starts rolling out for Motorola Moto X 2013


Another Motorola device — the Motorola Moto X 2013 — is all set to get an Android push with. The operating system (OS) update is not the Android 6.0 M, though; the Moto X 2013 will instead get an Android 5.1 Lollipop update

The Android OS update does seem a bit late compared to the Android versions other devices are getting at the moment. But considering that most of Moto X 2013 users were stuck on Android 4.4.4 KitKat, finally getting word of the Android 5.1 Lollipop push should be equally relieving.

Android 5.1 Lollipops have reportedly already commenced for the United States, Brazil, and Canada but is only good for the unlocked variants. Hence, for those who happens to hold a Moto X 2013 that is hooked up with mobile carriers, they may have to wait a bit for the release the said OS update.

To date, the only carrier that seems to be ready to release the Android 5.1 Lollipop is Rogers in Canada.

Word about the rollout came no less from David Schuster, Motorola's senior director for software product management, via Google Plus post.

Like most Android OS bumps, Moto X 2013 users will finally receive the bug fixes for their device which include managing their BlueTooth and Wi-Fi connectivity as well as the new Material Design, screen pinning of apps, and more.

For now, there is no word on which other regions may be rolling out the Android 5.1 Lollipop update. Soak tests are reportedly underway for the Moto X 2013 and Moto X 2013 over in Italy, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Belgium, among others, so these regions may finally get the Android bump soon.

As far as the U.S. Moto X users are concerned, Sprint is the only one for now that has officially released Android 5.1 Lollipop for its customers. This was revealed a couple of days ago; hopefully, other major mobile carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile, or even Horizon will follow soon.