Android 6.0 Marshmallow factory images for Nexus 6P ready for download

Android 6.0 MarshmallowAndroid Developers Blog

Google moves along with the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update on its Nexus devices by finally releasing factory images for its all-new Huawei-made Nexus 6P, which was launched just last month along with the spanking new software.

The factory images come a week after the software giant released factory images for Nexus 5X, which as many users know was introduced along with the phablet back in September. The images can be downloaded here.

Nexus 6P is currently on pre-order in many countries. In fact, it remains unclear when the units start shipping out. However, Android Authority believes that the fact Google already made available the factory images could mean that the distribution will start soon.

The images come in two builds –MDA89D and MDB08K. Before flashing them on the handset, make sure to make a back up of the files and the settings because once the Android 6.0 Marshmallow switch starts, data will be wiped out and the device reverts to factory settings.

Also, before moving forward with the flashing, ensure that the latest Android SDK is installed on the device. Users can acquire that here. Furthermore, make certain that the Nexus 6P is recognized in the PC, so check the USB drivers on the phone and the PC if they are working perfectly.

To ensure Android 6.0 Marshmallow installs seamlessly, the bootloader and the OEM should be both unlocked. To do so for the former, simply navigate to Settings -- Developer Options -- About page then tap the Android build number several times.

For the latter, simply key in command "adb reboot bootloader." If it's locked, go back to the bootloader screen and simply type in command "fastboot oem unlock" to do the trick. When that's all set, users will be prompted with confirmations and just have to click OK.

Once all that's done, push through with the flashing by following IB Times' step by step guide.