Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for Moto X, Moto G, Moto MAXX coming soon

Android 6.0 MarshmallowAndroid Developers Blog

More than a month after Google made official its newest platform, more and more tech manufacturers are lining up their devices for the Android 6.0 version. The latest report is that among the Android products set to receive the Marshmallow upgrade are the Moto X, Moto G, and Moto MAXX flagships of Motorola.

According to NeuroGadget, Motorola has already started rolling out its Android M update to its more recent releases, with the 2015 version of the Moto X Pure Edition on top of the list. Meanwhile, Motorola itself came out with the list of other devices included in the planned update to Marshmallow. Included on the list are the older Moto X variants, as well as the Moto G and last year's Moto MAXX.

Absent from the list are the original editions of the Moto X and G. In addition, among those that did not make the cut include the AT&T- and Verizon-locked second-gen Moto X. According to TechTimes, the Moto E lineup will also not be updated to Android M as the lineup doesn't meet the internal storage requirements for the new Android version.

While Motorola has not made any announcements on specific dates for the rollout, fans may expect that their units will receive an OTA notification for the update soon. The company is already testing its own Android 6.0 build, and local tests will soon follow to finalize the build version. This process seems to be the norm before tech manufacturers release the final version of an Android build. Recently, it was reported that another tech manufacturer, South Korea-based LG, has rolled out an Android 6.0 update for its G4 flagship in Poland and South Korea as part of the testing phase.

The Android 6.0 version by Motorola, meanwhile, will integrate flagship-specific features with the new elements of the Marshmallow build. Integrated features will include Moto Assist, Moto Connect, and Moto Migrate.