Android 7.0 Nougat release date news, features updates: data can be tracked in real-time; Nougat coming to HTC and LG this November

The Android

Android's latest operating system — the 7.0 Nougat — has gotten Android fans hyped over its new features. Unfortunately, not all fans will be able to enjoy the 7.0 Nougat just yet since the Android OS still hasn't been released for most smartphones in the market. What's more is that the 7.0 Nougat has some added features, specifically for data usage tracking.

The Android 7.0 Nougat boasts several features such as direct reply notifications, multi-window features, Google assistant, app switching, and new emojis. These are only some of the features that has gotten Android fans itching to update their smartphones to the new OS.

Other features of the Android 7.0 Nougat include a virtual reality interface, screen zooming, enhanced power efficiency, data saver, enhanced language support, and seamless updates.

Furthermore, a new feature that Android 7.0 Nougat is offering right now is the ability to track a device's data usage in real time. With the use of the Project Fi app, Android 7.0 Nougat users will now be able to view their device's overall data usage information as well as view and close applications that are using up their data.

The app will also send out notifications to its users whenever they reach their data limit. Users can also set their phone's data to be turned off automatically once the data limit is reached.

On another note, as for smartphones that will be getting the Android 7.0 Nougat update just before 2016 ends, it is said that LG and HTC smartphones will be the first to get the Android 7.0 Nougat updates, which will be sometime between the month of November and December.

The list of LG and HTC phones that will be getting the Android 7.0 Nougat just before the year ends includes the HTC 10, HTC One M9, and HTC One A9 for HTC, and the LG G5, LG V10, and LG G3 for LG.