Android M to be featured at Google I/O 2015 event?
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Google's newest mobile OS, Android M a.k.a. Android 6.0, has no official launch date yet but quick-eyed fans spotted the operating system's appearance in the itinerary for the upcoming Google I/O conference. This, however, was promptly removed within the same day. 

Despite this, bloggers have been able to capture a screen shot of the schedule that included Android M on the list. It was originally listed under the "Android for Work" event schedule before it was suddenly pulled out. It is likely that Google either wants to keep the presentation a surprise or they might not be sure about showcasing Android M if it is still early in development. 

The original description reportedly stated, "Android M is bringing the power of Android to all kinds of workplaces. This opens huge new markets for hundreds of millions of devices to workers at small business, deskless workers, logistics and warehousing jobs; all be empowered by adoption of Android devices at Work." 

According to a report from The Guardian, Google is aiming to launch Android M beyond the mobile market of phones and tablets. This means that the company could situate the OS in the way Chrome had for desktops and laptops. The Guardian continues to explain that Android M may be the key in unifying Android with Chrome into one seamless system. 

No official name for Android M has been released yet. Previous mobile OS releases were named Jelly Bean, KitKat, and Lollipop. If Google doesn't break the trend it started, then it is likely that Android 6.0 will also sport an official name based on some sort of food. This has led to numerous labels such as Android Milky Way, Marshmallow, and M&M. 

A report from Android Police points out that it is likely this new OS will follow the release schedule of Android 5.0 a.k.a. Android Lollipop. Lollipop was unveiled during last year's I/O and then released a while after. Using this as a basis, Android Police estimates that Android M will come out by fall this year.