Android Marshmallow update: BlackBerry Priv to get Android M next month

Blackberry PrivFacebook/Blackberry

While Google is busy trying to build the final version of the new Android N platform, some flagships and Android-run devices are still waiting for their Android Marshmallow update. According to speculations, BlackBerry Priv users may scratch the flagship off the waiting list soon.

Tech Times says that according to rumors, the BlackBerry Priv will get the Android M treatment by late April, or mid-May at the latest. This means that Priv users will have the chance to experience the many improvements and tweaks that Android 6.0 brings to Android-run flagships, even before Android N rolls out.

According to the industry follower though, while Android M is already expected to arrive for the BlackBerry Priv, the current Android-layered platform for the flagship offers decent experience, and that some observers even say that the Lollipop version layered with the user interface of BlackBerry actually improves user experience.

Meanwhile, as if on cue, BlackBerry announces that the company will be rolling out the Android Marshmallow Beta program for BlackBerry Priv users. According to the announcement, user feedback from the program is important and will be paired with experts, as "BlackBerry has a team of analysts ready to investigate the bugs and diagnostic data received, and the development teams are eager for direct customer feedback."

BlackBerry has yet to announce a rollout date for the Android Beta program kickoff, let alone the release date for the full Android M-layered platform update. Nonetheless, since the announcement said that, "The beta will last about 4-8 weeks," this tallies with the rumored May release of the new Android M for BlackBerry Priv.

The BlackBerry Priv is said to be one of the Canada-based gambles, switching to a pure Android platform from the company's homegrown BlackBerry 10 OS. Meanwhile, while sales figures for the Priv are said to be solvent, some observers are saying that the gamble never really paid off, as BlackBerry's figures continue to slump.