Android Nougat 7.0 news: update to go to OnePlus 3 before the year ends?

Featured in the image is the OnePlus 3One Plus official website

Although OnePlus has teased that it is hard at work to update its lineup to Android Nougat sooner, the tech maker has yet to come out with a specific release date. However, it is said that at least the OnePlus 3 will make the Android 7.0 jump before the year ends.

Previously, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau hinted that the development team is "actively working" on an Android Nougat 7.0 update. The CEO also teased that as expected, the update will come out first for the current-gen OnePlus 3, as they are "already hard at work on the latest and greatest."

However, Lau has not mentioned a specific release date for the update. Although it can be expected that the Android Nougat 7.0 version is an imminent update for the OnePlus 3, some observers believe that users will have to wait until December for the OTA notifications to roll out.

According to The Bitbag, OnePlus will start its Android Nougat platform update by the end of the year. In addition, it will be a staggered release, with the next update coming out to the previous-gen OnePlus 2 in the first quarter of 2017. It is not expected that the new platform will come out for the original OnePlus One since it also carries an Adreno 330 GPU. It has already been revealed that there are higher requirements for an Android 7.0 update. For example, in another lineup, Sony Mobile's Xperia Z series, the update list does not include the Xperia Z3, which also features an Adreno 330 GPU.

Meanwhile, OnePlus has also excluded in the list its series' entry-level iteration, the OnePlus X. It is unlikely, though, that the step-down variant of the OnePlus 2 will be updated to Android Nougat since it shares similar specs to the OnePlus One like a Snapdragon 801 processor and an Adreno 330 GPU.