Android Wear update for Moto 360, LG Watch Urbane, LG G Watch, G Watch R, ZenWatch and Samsung Gear Live

Android website

To compete with the recently-launched Apple Watch, Google is planning to release a big update for the Android Wear. The company is set to introduce new features that would greatly expand the functions of wearables that run the Android system, like the LG Watch Urbane and Motorola's Moto 360. 

As part of the update, the new version of Android Wear will introduce a new way for the user to interface with the wearable. Now, with just a flick of the user's wrist, the Android Wear will scroll through notifications and messages. The watch will also now have a tap function for users to send messages and scroll through apps instantly. In addition to the new interface functions, Android Wear now supports a handwritten emoji feature that lets users draw emojis directly on the watch screen. 

Aside from the new features, the update will also bring Wi-Fi support to the Android Wear. As long as the phone is using data and the wearable has Wi-Fi connectivity turned on and active, the user can still receive phone notification even if its paired device is left at home or at the office. 

The Always On feature is also now live for the Android Wear. Before, the screen would automatically turn off as a screensaver function when the wearable has been idle for some time. Now, though, the screen will just fade from color to monochrome, but the currently opened app will still stay active. This feature will be useful for apps that need constant attention, like fitness trackers and GPS direction apps. 

The new update for the Android Wear will roll out to all current Android Wear devices, starting with the LG Watch Urbane. Also scheduled to receive the update are the G Watch and G Watch R from LG, the ZenWatch from Asus, Samsung Gear Live, and the Motorola Moto 360.