'Angels of God' to donate 500 Easter baskets to children in need

(Photo: Jeffrey Collingwood)

A New Jersey student is giving back to her community by distributing Easter baskets to needy children through her Angels of God charity.

Katelyn Darrow, 18, founded the Angels of God Clothing Closet in Pitman four years ago, and hopes to bring joy to 500 children on Easter. 

"A lot of organisations do Christmas drives and tend to forget about Easter," she told The Inquirer

The Pitman High School senior plans to fill that void by preparing Easter baskets, and relies on donors to fill them. Requested items include books, candy, makeup, and toys. 

Darrow, her mother, Elissa, sisters Lindsay and Brenna, and 55 volunteers will gather at United Methodist Church in Pitman on Sunday to assemble the gifts. Church pastor Jim Bolton commended the teen's efforts. 

"She really is an incredibly humble young lady," he said. "She doesn't look for a pat on the back. Her joy is seeing the smiles of others she's helped."

Volunteer Grace Kieran said that some parents are moved to tears when their child is presented with an Easter basket. 

"Katelyn and her mom just do beautiful, beautiful baskets," said Kier.

Darrow's nonprofit also distributes clothing, baby supplies, and toiletries to needy families, and began because the then-12-year-old wanted to "pay if forward."

Her family spent time in a shelter after losing their home in a fire, and Darrow was grateful for the assistance they received from volunteers. Those with a letter from social services, a pastor, or other agency can pick up items from Angels of God Clothing Closet. 

The Easter ministry began with 25 baskets in 2010, and has grown each year. Donations are accepted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at 334 South Broadway in Pitman.