Anglican Church of Burundi Expresses Commitment to Worldwide Communion

The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Burundi has received and discussed the Archbishop of Canterbury's reflection, 'The Challenge and Hope of Being Anglican Today', in which he sets out his thinking concerning the future of the Anglican Communion.

The Anglican Church of Burundi has in response released a statement wishing to commend it "as a working document in the process of pastoral care within the Communion so that channels for constructive dialogue and fellowship with Provinces of the Anglican Communion may be maintained in the future".

In revealing its continued dedication to the worldwide Anglican body, the statement also went on: "The Anglican Church of Burundi remains committed to the Anglican Communion and to endeavouring to work with all the Primates who have been entrusted with leadership of its Provinces. We are committed to the Gospel imperative to maintain unity and communion that is rooted in truth and love. We are called to be a 'one, holy, catholic and apostolic' church and to affirm loyalty to the authority of Scripture and the traditional teachings of the Church.

"Though we recognise the principle of unity in diversity, Scripture should remain our guide in all matters of doctrine, ethics and decision-making. As has become apparent, we ignore Biblical teaching, the Apostolic Faith, and Church practice at our peril, and compromise our unity, fellowship, and communion. We must pray that we shall find ways to move forward with renewed commitment to 'keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace'." (Eph.4v3)