Anglican Church of Nigeria Consecrates Ten New Bishops

Ten new bishops have been consecrated by the Anglican Church of Nigeria. Nigerian Primate, the Most Rev Peter Akinola, presided over the service, which is historical for being the largest number of bishops consecrated in one sitting (since his presentation in 2000).

Archbishop Joseph Akinfenwa of the Ibadan Province celebrated the Holy Communion, while the litany was led by Bishop Samuel Oke of Ekiti-West.

The sermon was given by the Bishop of Niger, the Rt Rev Ken Okeke who preached leading with four points: Call, Concentration, Continuity and Consequences.

Okeke described the Call to God to the new bishops by saying, "God's call is always definite and many times when He calls someone He 'strips' the person bare. In the case of Moses, from whom we shall learn a lot today, He took away all the trappings and comforts of Egypt's one and only palace."

In pointing out that the new bishops had step into their new ministries with absolute Concentration, Okeke used the example of Moses by saying, "Moses sought God and found Him. He desired an intimacy with God and God humoured him. He spoke to God face to face. The good news is that whenever we seek God, we shall find Him. 2 Chronicles 15: 2 - If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you."

On Continuity, the Reverend said, "Moses always sought the Lord's face in every situation. And the result was that he always sat back and saw God take full control. God said to him - The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace - Exodus 14. That was the experience of King Jehoshaphat many centuries later. It was also the experience of other men of faith like Gideon, David arid Paul."

Also the preacher described how many times on their paths of faith the new bishops would be in a position to obey or disobey God, and spoke of the Consequences of this by using the experience of Saul: "Saul became yesterday's man and degenerated to consulting a medium - one in a group of people he zealously wiped out of Israel when his heart was in the right place and he was following God faithfully. Who do you consult in times of crisis or alienation?"

The bishop warned them to beware of returning to the unwholesome methods that you have previously rejected, and to beware of the arrogance that comes in the power of holding office.

The ceremony indicated a new beginning for Africa, with nine new missionary dioceses being set up – raising the number to 91.

The creation of the additional diocese has come about via the pro-active efforts of Rev Akinola, who did describe at his presentation in 2002 that during his stay in his position he wished to chart a new future for the Church.

Increased efforts into missions have seen the planting of new dioceses in area that have historically been considered hostile for evangelising – especially the north of Nigeria.

The new bishops and their dioceses are the Rt Revd Edafe Emamezi - Elected Bishop of Warri, the Rt Revd Ezekiel Awosoga - Bishop of Ijebu, the Rt Revd Matthew Osunade - Bishop of Ogbomosho and the Rt Revd Joseph Adeyemi - Bishop of Badagary, Rt Revd Duke Akamisoko - Bishop of Zonkwa, the Rt Revd Samuel Chukuka - Bishop of Isikwuato, the Rt Revd Joseph Musa - Bishop of Idah, the Rt Revd Solomon Gberegbara - Bishop of Ogoni, the Rt Revd Johnson Onuoha - Bishop of Arochukwu/Ohafia and the Rt Revd Chigozirim Onyegbule - Bishop of Ikwuano.