Anglican Church of Rwanda Launches New Child Protection Programme

|TOP|The Anglican Church in Rwanda has launched a new programme to bring down the rate of abuse and violence against children.

The new programme called “Neighbour’s Eye” is intended to consolidate the efforts of a separate child protection programme initiated by the First Lady’s Office earlier in the year called the “Treat Every Child as Your Own” project.

According to Manasseh Gahima, administrator for Gahini Diocese in Kayonza district, the main aim of the programme is “to make every person a watchdog of his/her neighbour and fight against anything that would violate the rights and welfare of children and neighbours”.

He added: “In the Rwandan culture, a child belongs to the society.”

|AD|The new Neighbour’s Eye programme is already showing signs of success. Gerald Muzungu, the executive secretary for Murundi Sector in Kayonza District, said the programme has created good neighbourliness among local residents.

"We have supported the Anglican Church to disseminate the message to all residents in a bid to create a better future for the residents," Muzungu said, adding that action would be taken against any parents who failed to meet the standards of the child protection programme.

“Children have a right to good health, food, education and other basic necessities,” said Muzungu. “Children shouldn't become victims of abuse and mistreatment, prostitution, illicit drugs and should therefore live in a safe family environment."

According to Bishop Alexis Birindabagabo of the Eastern Province, the Anglican Church in Rwanda is currently working to spread news of the Neighbour’s Eye programme around the local communities.