Anglican Communion Secretary General Visits Congo Church

The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Canon Kenneth Kearon, has attended the Provincial Synod meeting of L'Eglise Anglicane du Congo held in Bunia.

Canon Kearon attended the event at the invitation of Archbishop Fidele Dirokpa. The Synod meeting was held immediately after a round table discussion with overseas partners, the first time that such a meeting had been held.

It began with an opening eucharist held in All Saints, Bunia. This service was also one of celebration and thanksgiving for the ministry of Archbishop Fidele, marking twenty five years since his ordination as a bishop. The service was attended by members of Synod, overseas partners, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, as well as a several hundred local well wishers.

At the end of this his first visit to the Province, the Secretary General expressed his delight, great appreciation for the warmth of the welcome he had received, and said that he would be taking away with him a greater understanding of the life of Christians in DR Congo and the work of the Anglican Church there.

The Secretary-General also reminded the province that it is important to tell the stories of their work and witness to what God is doing in DR Congo so that the whole Communion can stand with them and pray for them.

As he left Bunia, Canon Kearon said: "I was particularly moved to hear of the healing and reconciliation work of the Anglicans and the hopes of many dioceses to widen and extend this ministry. They need our prayers and the support of the whole Anglican Communion."