Anglican Head to Visit Pope as Hopes Rise for Unity Among Churches

|TOP|The spiritual head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, Dr Rowan Williams is expected to make his first formal visit to Roman Catholic Church head, Pope Benedict in Rome this year. The motive behind the visit is to heal a rift that has existed between the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches for centuries.

It is reported that the two leaders will attend at least one service together, however, the meeting remains to be confirmed by the Vatican.

The joining of the two Church heads will be used to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the meeting in 1966, between Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Ramsey, who was the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury. During that visit the Pope gave a ring to Dr Ramsey, which has been passed on from Archbishop to Archbishop, and remains with Dr Williams today.

Britain’s senior Catholic Church leaders have openly admitted that relations between the two Churches has seemed to have reached a “plateau”. However, many are hoping that the present meeting could bring about a new ecumenical era between the Churches.

Although full unity is the goal, it is still expected that the emphasis will be put on “unity in diversity”, and for a position to be found where both Churches could unite to celebrate their differences as well as their love of Christ.

|AD|Vatican Cardinals have blamed the election of an openly homosexual man, Gene Robinson, as bishop of the Episcopal Church of the USA in 2003, for bringing about an “ecumenical winter” between the Churches.

The extent of the problems caused by this event were made clear in Rome in February, when Cardinal Walter Kasper, who is the head of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, referred to the “disillusionment and stagnation” in talks with other Church bodies. In particular, he expressed that the root of the problem was on identity.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, reported to the Times newspaper, “It is true that we are living in an ecumenical winter. It has got even icier since the American church’s decision to consecrate Gene Robinson which goes completely against the Catholic position and the historic position of the Anglican Communion as well. Rowan’s personal contact and commitment is going to be the key thing. All we can hope for is that he keeps the fire burning.”

When Pope Benedict was first installed as the Roman Catholic head last year, it was thought by many that Anglican-Catholic ties would worsen even more due to the controversy surrounding the Anglican Communion with regards to homosexuality in the Church, as well as women bishops.

However, Pope Benedict has shown an unexpected enthusiasm for ecumenical talks with Anglican as well as Orthodox bodies, and this has raised hopes again for the future between the two Churches.